Political betting and presidential race at SBG Global

November 24th, 2021 Presidential Political Betting

Despite the goodwill in the political betting season, the gauntlet has thrown, lines have been crossed and there’s no locking back the genie. This refers, of course to the time-honored tradition of paying lip service to running a “no-negatives” campaign in the primary betting season, and then of course completely changing tack as the online political betting election dates draw near. John McCain has been the first candidate to cross the political betting line of decency and how.

Recently McCain has been running television ads comparing Barak Obama to Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton. This is a very unique and likely disastrous ploy for the senior citizen from Arizona and betting fans should take note. Not only are the commercials a dangerous betting move as it’s never advantageous to be the first to cross the line of decency, but the attempt to defame Obama’s character is so thinly veiled and so far removed from the political discourse that it will likely have a disastrous affect on his politics betting odds.

Online politics betting experts have been debating the merits of the ad since it was released and the consensus is that there is almost no advantage gained by this risky political betting maneuver. The only type of voter this type of theatrics is likely to appeal to are the political betting fans that already support McCain. It is likely to repel if not offend any undecided voter and that it certainly not good for McCain’s political betting chances. Politics betting odds makers have long made the elder statesman an underdog in the politics betting odds, but this type of strategy is likely to make him an even bigger underdog in the political betting. McCain has seemingly very little to offer in way of new ideas or anything resembling an excitement and the campaign is no doubt looking to mask this fact with age old method of politics betting slander.

But the race is far from over and as every online politics betting guru is quick to point out, just wait until Obama goes negative and the politics betting odds are likely to even out. His camp is likely to make many gaffes as well and the online politics betting race should tighten as the Election Day draws near.


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