The online wagering community is all too familiar with blindsiding surprises. After all, 2016 has been chock-full of them. Very few people actually expected the Cleveland Cavaliers to come back from a 3-game deficit, and even fewer people anticipated the Chicago Cubs historic resurgence. But this past Tuesday night, the betting world was treated to a shock that left us all in a deep state of stupefaction. Early Wednesday morning, the results could no longer be denied and it was clear that Donald Trump had become the 45th president-elect of the United States of America.
Fans of online betting are used to betting lines featuring sports teams the top sportsbooks available on the web are offering wagers on the US presidential election. While most online betting fans are looking to get away from politics but the select few who think they know which candidate will be moving into the white house. The elections will take place on the second Tuesday in November as is tradition. This year that date will fall on November 8th and it’s anyone’s guess who will come out as the next President of the United States. Let’s take a look at the sportsbooks and see who they favor to win this year’s nomination.
Politics betting odds 2016 have two sided to consider. On one side we have a candidate who in June of last year no one knew was going to run for president and having NO elective office experience he took on 16 other candidates and came out triumphant. His historical success in the world of politics and hitting 14 million votes is something that you just cannot ignore. He changed the way people look at politics. Running against the odds and political correctness that been haunting Americans for years. Donald Trump has surfaced against all odds as the Republican Candidate for the Primary presidential elections of the United States.
Many betting lines for the presidential election are often impacted by third party candidates. From Ross Perot in 1992 to Ralph Nader in 2000, many third party candidates have impacted the election in some way, thus making it easier for betting lines to be influenced in some way.
The 2016 American Presidential race will be exciting but at the same time there will be loads of different candidates. It is a long way before November 8, 2016, but there are lots of candidates to watch for.
Politics may or may not be a game of chance, but either way there is political betting, for instance as to who will be England’s next Prime Minister. Here are the top contenders.
Ed Miliband (4/5). Holds the record for youngest Leader of the Labour Party, being 40 when he assumed leadership of the party, at which time he also automatically became Leader of the Opposition. Miliband has described himself as a new type of politician, and as such has expressed support for gay and lesbian marriage.
Continue ReadingWhen it comes to political betting the US presidential election is the equivalent of the Superbowl, or the World Series. The odds that there is going to be a female president are 11/8 versus 4/7 for a male president. Still, Hillary Clinton is clear-cut favorite to win the election. Other female contenders include Elizabeth Warren and Condoleeza Rice. Then again, George Clooney and Clint Eastwood are also being considered -though way, way behind- notwithstanding the fact that they haven’t even played a president in a movie. Kinda makes you wonder why they don’t include Kang and Kodos as well.
The political odds that Scotland will vote no to independence in 2014 are 1/8, while the odds that the vote will be yes are 5/1. The Scottish independence referendum will take place on Thursday 18 September 2014. There is no doubt that if Mark Renton were a real person he would vote yes, if not for independence at least for finding a decent culture to be colonized by. On the other hand, English celebrities such as actor Ross Kemp, comedian Eddie Izzard, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, and actress Michele Collins are trying to show how decent they are by asking Scotland to please Let's Stay Together.
Political betting facts show that Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii at the Kapiolani Medical Center.
Continue ReadingPolitical betting facts tell us that the question of what nationality is Barack Obama is moot since he is a United States citizen.
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