NBA Odds Highlits for Febrary 15th

October 8th, 2020 Live NBA Betting Lines

 NBA Odds Highlits for Febrary 15th Handicapping Tips. Wednesday night will be a big one in the NBA, as thirteen games are played featuring 26 teams, some of which are the best in their respective divisions right now.

While the two top teams in the Eastern Conference, the Chicago Bulls and Miami Heat, have the night off, there are more than enough great matchups and basketball odds to take advantage of. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of tonight’s games.

76ers at Magic
The Orlando Magic have certainly had their fair share of controversy and struggle this season, especially with the almost inevitable trading of star center Dwight Howard. It has seemed as though Howard has wanted to leave Orlando more than he has wanted to lead the Magic to a winning record. But they can still play with the best of the league, and take on the Philadelphia 76ers tonight. The Magic are the 3 ½ favorites to win at home, but the 76ers have emerged as one of the strongest, most surprising teams in the East so far this season. Check the NBA Odds for 76ers vs. Magic game.

Pistons at Celtics
The Detroit Pistons have fallen a long way since their magical run in 2003-2005, winning one NBA championship and making it to the NBA Finals two seasons in a row. But the past few seasons, they have declined dramatically. Combine rebuilding the team with a change in ownership, and it is no wonder why the team struggles. They face the very strong Boston Celtics tonight, and the Celtics are listed as the 9 point favorites. While Boston has had their own troubles this year, they should roll over the Pistons with ease. Start your Basketball Betting action on Pistons at Celtics game.

Wizards at Clippers
Could Los Angeles finally have two teams worth going to watch? The Clippers have gone from a team most people forgot about to one of the more exciting to watch. The team is returning to their home court after a long, but successful, road trip. The Washington Wizards, on the other hand, are one of the worst teams in the league and have been pretty terrible for years. Again, it is no wonder why the Clippers are 13 point favorites. Look for them to make a strong comeback after a disappointing loss on the road in Dallas.

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