NBA Lines, Free Agents & Trade News

January 21st, 2021 Live NBA Betting Lines

NBA Lines, Free Agents & Trade News. With the official announcement day of July 11, as mandated by the NBA, just 2 days away, reported trades and free agent signings are at a peak. In the latest news, none other than Dwight Howards name has resurfaced in the Brooklyn Nets seemingly obsessive quest to land the Orlando big man.

Even after resigning Deron Williams and acquiring Joe Johnson from the Atlanta Hawks, it doesn’t look like the Nets billionare Russian owner will be satisfied until he “breaks the bank” by acquiring Howard. This time, none other than Kim Kardashian ex. Kris Humphries is rumored to be the man going to a third team, Cleveland, to facilitate the 3 team swap. The Nets Marshon Brooks is also expected to be offered as part of a NBA Lines deal.

Speaking of the Magic, it appears Ryan Anderson is heading to the Mardi Gras city to play in a front court with number one draft pick Anthony Davis in New Orleans. Anderson would be part of a sign and trade where Orlando would receive solid young center Gustavo Ayon. Anderson netted 16 points per contest and grabbed 8 boards last year. Check the Online Sportsbook Odds for the NBA Trades game.

In other news, in the wake of losing Ray Allen to the Heat, the Celtics appear to have their sights set on free agent Courtney Lee from Houston as his replacement. Lee had an 11 points per game average and shot 40 percent from beyond the arc this past season.

The Big Apple made some news this week with the signing of free agent veteran Jason Kidd by the New York Knicks and now are apparently in talks to get Marcus Camby back in Madison Square Garden as well. Camby is 38 years old, but still considered one of the better defensive centers in the game. He previously played in Manhattan from 1998 to 2002.

In the Windy City, it was announced that one of their former players would be returning to the United Center, when the Chicago Bulls came to an agreement with Kirk Hinrich, formerly referred to as “Captain Kirk.” It was reported Hinrich will sign a two year, $6 million dollar contract on Wednesday.

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