NBA Betting – East Feeling the Heat

November 15th, 2023 Live NBA Betting Lines

NBA betting futures have the Miami Heat as far and away the most popular choice to win the Eastern Conference but a host of alternatives may provide better value.

Heavy Price
Miami opened on the futures board at Sbg as a -215 favorite to win the Eastern Conference with the defending conference champion Boston Celtics a second choice at +350.  2009 Eastern Conference Champion Orlando was at +500 with the Chicago Bulls next at +750.

Public Influence
The gambling public is enthralled with the Heat and the trio of LeBron James, Chris Bosh, and Miami mainstay Dwyane Wade but it has gotten to the point where the NBA bet hype has taken on a life of its own and anyone laying down cash on the Heat now will be “buying high” to use the stock market analogy.   Miami is being touted as a team that can shatter the Jordan-era Chicago Bulls record for wins in a season but the team hasn’t even gotten out of training camp and will need to jell and get used to each other.  Beyond that, Miami is not the only game in town.

Boston Proven
The Boston Celtics are a proven commodity.  While the Celtics may be an older team of veterans they know how to win and head coach Doc Rivers said that this year’s edition is the most talented that he has coached during his tenure.  The Celtics may offer better than expected NBA betting value because while they are the defending conference champions they are lost in the hype of Miami.

Magic from Orlando?
The Orlando Magic have the best big man in the game with Dwight Howard and also are a team that won 59 games last year while getting the money 46 times.  Howard is a rebound machine that averaged over 13 boards per game last year and is a brutal physical presence in the paint that Miami may have no answer for.

Bull or No Bull
At first glance the Chicago Bulls look like a NBA bet reach as the fourth choice to win the Eastern Conference as they were just 41-41 last year and snuck through the back door into the playoffs.  But the Bulls played well down the stretch and point guard Derrick Rose is one of the best and should improve on his 21 points per game from last year.


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