Denver Nuggets vs. Philadelphia 76ers NBA Betting Lines & Picks (01/28/2023)

Denver Nuggets vs. Philadelphia 76ers NBA Betting Lines & Picks (01-28-2023)

On Saturday, NBA fans and gamblers will be treated to a matchup of teams that can make the Finals. Additionally, two of the best players in the Association will be matched up. Denver’s Nikola Jokic is one of the top betting on NBA Games assets found anywhere. In like manner, Philadelphia’s Joel Embiid is in the world-class category. Denver is one of the NBA’s quiet surprises. They don’t draw the attention of the Lakers, but they are a far better team. Philadelphia is one of the top defensive teams in the Association.

Denver Nuggets vs. Philadelphia 76ers NBA Betting Information

Date and Time:Saturday, January 28, 2023, 3 p.m. ET
Location:Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
TV Coverage:ABC
Betting Online Odds at SBG:Click Here

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Nuggets at 76ers SBG Odds Overview

Philadelphia and Denver will get equal online betting support that splits along normal sectors. Wise Guys will prefer the quality road dog Nuggets. While the public sector always likes a strong home favorite. The value is likely to be with Denver in what is an even game.

Denver Nuggets Team Overview

The Denver Nuggets are 33-14 straight up, 25-22 against the spread, and 22-25 over/under the total. Late on, Denver has NBA metrics of 6th for scoring offense, 1st for field goal percentage, 1st for 3-point field goal percentage, 27th for free throw percentage, and 17th for offensive rebounding.

In comparison on defense, Denver has NBA metrics of 14th for scoring defense, 23rd for field goal percentage permitted, 7th for 3-point field goal percentage allowed, and 2nd for defensive rebounding. First place in the Western Conference belongs to Denver. The Memphis Grizzlies are 1.5 games behind.

Center Nikola Jokic is the marquee man of the Nuggets. Jokic leads Denver with 25.1 points, 11.0 rebounds, and 9.9 assists per contest. Accordingly, Jokic is one of the most complete teams in the NBA. Jokic scored 21 or more points in three of his previous four games. Also, he had at least ten rebounds in five consecutive games. Jokic had nine or more assists in all five of those games.

Philadelphia 76ers Team Overview

The Philadelphia 76ers are 30-16 straight up, 27-19 against the spread, and 27-19 over/under the NBA betting total. Correlate Philadelphia has NBA metrics of 15th for scoring offense, 8th for field goal percentage, 4th for 3-point field goal percentage, 3rd for free throw percentage, and 28th for offensive rebounding.

In comparison on defense, Philadelphia has NBA metrics of 3rd for scoring defense, 10th for field goal percentage permitted, 2nd for 3-point field goal percentage allowed, and 8th for defensive rebounding.

Late on, Philadelphia has covered three of its last four games. Eight of its previous ten games went over the total. Second place in the Eastern Conference belongs to the 76ers. Philadelphia is 4.5 games behind the conference-leading Boston Celtics.

Center Joel Embiid remains one of the game’s dominant big men. To illuminate, Embiid leads the 76ers with 33.6 points, 9.8 rebounds, and 4.2 assists per contest.

Nuggets at 76ers SBG Free Picks

As was previously noted, the better betting on NBA Games price and value is offered by the Nuggets. Few bets are better than quality road dogs. In turn, Jokic makes Denver a threat anytime they take the court.

Nuggets at 76ers SBG Best Bet: Denver Nuggets.

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