Examine Past Performances in Online Horse Betting

Online horse betting handicapping begins for most bettors by looking at the past performances which can be found in the Daily Racing Form. How important are past performances in horse betting? How can you use them in online betting?

Online betting involves looking at past performances that can be found in the Daily Racing Form or at other online websites. What exactly is a past performance and how do you use it? Past performances show the past races that each horse has had in the past. The data on each horse is compiled and stored in a database and then reproduced in past performances on race day. Usually these past performances in online betting are available a couple of days before race day. You will want to understand these past performances and what to look at in online betting.

When you are looking at online horse betting you start with analyzing the past performances of each horse in the race and comparing them. This helps you separate the contenders from the pretenders in the horse betting race. There is really a lot of information in past performances for you to consider in online horse betting. Let’s consider the most important parts in online horse betting. The pedigree information and the horses’ age, owner information, etc. is listed in the upper section and really of little value unless you are a pedigree expert. You can ignore that section in horse betting. Another section has the lifetime record of the horse showing wins, places and shows in their history. This gives you a good idea of if the horse can win and should not be ignored in online horse betting. You will also see that record broken down into current year and lifetime record in horse betting.

The other main part of the past performances you want to look at in online horse betting is the previous races. Usually you only want to look at the past two or three races. You will see the speed ratings listed in bold and that is a good place to do your handicapping. Look at the speed ratings and see which horse has the highest ones in their past three races. This gives you a great idea of which horses can win and which ones probably won’t in today’s online horse betting.