Bet Horse Racing Winning Figures

Bet horse racing winning figures are oftentimes discussed as return on investment. As you bet on horses you need to understand what it takes to win in the long haul.  Let’s consider the figures needed to win as you bet horse. Bet horse racing figures show that if you are betting on the favorite in a horse race you are going to need to win a lot of races to make money.  We know that in the long run as you bet horse racing that favorites win one out of every three races.  That does not mean that as you bet on horses today that one out of every three favorites will win.  What it does mean is that in the long run one out of every three favorites will win.  Remember though, the long term is very, very long.  It is not unusual to see 10 favorites in a row lose.  It happens all the time.

You must remember as you bet horse that the trends, angles, figures, etc. are based on long term probabilities.  Anything can happen in a day, week, month or even year.  The figures you need to understand as you bet horse racing encompass the long term, not what may happen today.  Having said that, you still have to rely upon what you have to work with.  That means favorites will win about a third of the time.  You should start your handicapping by looking at the favorite as you bet horse racing.  Don’t discount the horse because he is favored.  As you bet on horses you must understand percentages and that applies to the favorite.  You should know though that if you want to win in the long term betting favorites then you must win a lot of races.  Many times as you bet horse racing the winning figures will go your way.  Everything you look at will work.  Other times as you bet horse nothing will work.  Don’t get discouraged. Remember that percentages do work in the long run as you bet on horses.