Montoya looking to beat the NASCAR odds at SBG Global

NASCAR odds fans are traditional lot by nature and do not enjoy changes to the status quo or outside influences on their betting NASCAR odds.

And so to say that Juan Pablo Montoya a messenger of change and very foreign influence in the NASCAR odds is an unwelcome figure in the betting NASCAR odds scene would be a bold understatement.

Yet the fact remains that this talented foreign driver from F-1 racing is tearing up the NASCAR odds and looks poised to become the first foreign born driver in betting NASCAR odds history to qualify for the NASCAR odds season ending Chase.

NASCAR odds makers have predicted it since the beginning of the season but most betting NASCAR odds fans have quietly ignored it and hoped that Montoya’s success wouldn’t materializes. But wishing it so does not make it happen and Montoya is right on the fringe of the qualifying mark for the NASCAR odds Chase at the midway point. In just his second year in NASCAR it’s obvious that he is a very talented driver. The trouble for Montoya has been adjusting to a new style of racing. But so far so good as he sits in 16th place in the NASCAR odds points standings.

His point total, 500 back from the leader, and a single top five finish and a single top ten finish are not all that impressive at first glance. But one stat that is impressive is the ‘zero’ in the DNF column. That stat has kept him in the NASCAR odds hunt and have him well positioned to make a run in the second half. In fact, he should do quite well in this half of the NASCAR odds season and make a serious battle to crack the Chase.

He’s all but guaranteed to win the NASCAR odds event at the Infineon Raceway in California –a road course event that he won last year. If he can also register another top five finish and a couple top ten places, he will defiantly make the NASCAR odds Chase for the Cup. And in doing so would make NASCAR odds history.