Super Bowl Runner-ups in Online Sports Betting

Online sports betting on NFL games can be very successful if you are willing to go against last year’s Super Bowl runner-up. Teams playing in the Super Bowl have not fared very well the following season and going against those teams has proven fairly profitable throughout the years in sportsbetting.

Online sportsbetting against the Super Bowl runner-up can make some sense. When teams go against Super Bowl participants the following season they seem to have more incentive to be very focused in the game. The Super Bowl teams are targeted nearly every game by the opposition and it makes winning for those teams more difficult, and covering the online sports betting spread twice as tough. In the past few years going against the Super Bowl runner-up has seen you win over 60% of your sports betting wagers.  Some seasons those numbers can be 70% in online betting.  You can break those online sportsbetting numbers down even further.  The online sportsbetting numbers are even better when you bet against the Super Bowl runner-up when they are on the road.  It makes sense in online sports betting to go against the road team in this instance since the home team will be motivated to play well against the Super Bowl runner-up.

The Patriots have been about the only team that has been able to buck this online sportsbetting trend.  In 2008 they went 9-7 against the online sports betting number at the online sportsbook.  The Patriots have been known to buck some trends in the past so that is not a huge surprise. That was a very rare time though when going against the Super Bowl runner-up the following season was not profitable in sports betting.  Another thing to keep in mind is that the first few weeks are very good for this online sports betting trend. As the season continues the value starts to get less as the online sportsbetting oddsmaker begins to adjust.

In online sportsbetting you will always have a chance to bet against the Super Bowl runner-up. This is an online betting system that is not going away anytime soon.  Going against future Super Bowl runner-ups should continue to be profitable and a bounce back season going against the Arizona Cardinals could prove to be profitable for sports betting gamblers at the online sportsbook in 2009.


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