Sports Betting Odds Dynamics at SBG Global

Sports betting odds have a lot of different dynamics that are interesting to look at. There are many factors that go into the sportsbetting lines, and the better that you understand what those factors are, the better off that you will be able to read the sportsbetting odds for value, which is your ultimate goal and job.

Sports betting odds on the NFL for example are a bit different since there is a one week wait between games. That means there is a considerable amount of influence on the sportsbetting odds based on what happened in the previous week. During that week between games, the media will beat to death both the results from the previous week but also over-react based on those results, and apply subsequent spin when looking over the sportsbetting schedule of games upcoming in the next week.

There is often a similar affect on the college football sportsbetting odds as the results of the previous week are treated as if it was a life and death situation with one loss meaning a season being ruined. What all of this leads to from the football sportsbetting odds perspective is that the sportsbetting odds that you see posted on the sportsbook board will often not be what is actually merited and that is because of such reactions.

In sports such as pro basketball, however, the sports betting lines aren’t nearly as affected by previous results, especially in the regular season, as the games don’t mean nearly as much. You will see a far greater affect on the pro basketball sportsbetting lines from previous results come playoff time, when the games count for so much more than the regular season. In the pro basketball regular season action, what does carry a lot of weight with the sportsbetting odds at the sportsbook is home court.  That is perhaps as much or more than the home “advantage” of any other sport in sports betting odds. NBA home teams, particularly perennial contenders, are often overlays on the sports betting odds because there is too much emphasis and value placed on home court, due to the NBA’s reputation as a home team game.

Sports betting odds in other sports can also have different dynamics based upon factors such as the media, revenge, rivalry, weather and even such online betting factors as the umpires in baseball.

Be sure to view all the money making sports betting options available everyday at our sportsbook.


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