Sports Betting Odds Makers on Baron Davis’ Future at SBG Global

Sports betting odds makers watched the Warriors, the darlings of last years sportsbetting NBA post season, saw their playoff hopes extinguished. Missing out on the eighth and final spot brought the NBA sportsbetting odds season to an end for the Warriors and left number of sportsbetting questions unanswered. Foremost on that list, according to many sportsbetting odds makers is the future of star point guard Baron Davis.

Sportsbetting odds fans were again dazzled by Davis’ play. The point guard put some of the best numbers of his career and was arguably the best point guard in the sports betting odds this season. Even though his team failed to make the playoffs, he did more to get Warriors in the win column and the right side of the sports betting odds than anyone else on the team. However, it wasn’t enough and now the he must contemplate his future with the team according to the media.

Davis still has one year left on this contract with Golden State, but if a new agreement with the team can’t be reached over the summer he’ll likely be traded next season, at least that’s the logical step in the minds of most sportsbetting odds makers. Davis would be a fetching trade for a team looking to make a late season run into the playoff sports betting odds and the Warriors would certainly be looking to deal rather than risk losing him at the end of the sportsbetting season for nothing in return.

Davis had previously stated that he didn’t care to stay in the Bay area and many sports betting odds fans speculated that he would be gone before this contract expired. Recently, however, the super star has expressed publicly that he’d like to stay with the Warriors which could put another spin on the scenario that most sports betting odds makers expected to play out this summer.

One of two scenarios is almost certain and sportsbetting odds experts expect either Davis to resign to a long term deal over the summer or the Warriors to trade him some time in the coming off season or regular sports betting odds season. And with several other of the Warriors best players contracts expiring in the next two seasons the second option might seen more likely according to many sportsbetting odds experts.


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