Sports Betting Halftime Wagering at SBG Global

Sports betting halftime wagering has gained popularity in recent years with online sportsbooks putting up more and more lines.There is no doubt that sportsbetting halftime wagering gives gamblers more chances to win money but how do you handicap a halftime line?

Sportsbetting halftime wagering is when you bet on the result of the second half of the game. You also have first half wagering but halftime wagering is more popular and more common. With sportsbetting halftime wagers you will see odds on the side, total and sometimes the money line as well. Remember that your halftime sportsbetting wager is just like a regular full game wager except that you are only betting the second half.

You don’t have a lot of time to consider handicapping with sportsbetting halftime lines so you need to be ready. One of the best strategies for sportsbetting halftime wagering is taking a favorite that is losing at the half.
For example, let’s say you have a big favorite in college football that is tied at the half. Let’s say that Ohio State is a 17-point favorite at home against Purdue but is tied 14-14 at the half. Let’s say that the halftime line has Ohio State an 11-point favorite. Now you get Ohio State at -11 for the game instead of -17. You get the favored Buckeyes at 6 points less than they were at the beginning of the game. This is one halftime sportsbetting strategy that you can have ready before the game goes to the half. If in this case the Buckeyes are winning at the half then you have no play. But you can set up this strategy on many games before they even begin in sports betting. This also can apply to NFL, NBA and college basketball sports betting.

The same strategy that we looked at with taking the favorite that is losing at the half could apply to totals as well. You might really like an over or an under in a game. For example, in that Ohio State game the sports betting total may have been 48. You liked the game under and it is 14-14 at the half. The halftime sports betting line comes out at 23. Now instead of going under 48 you take the sports betting halftime line and have the game under 51. You got a three point bargain by betting the sports betting halftime line. These are just two easy strategies you can use for sportsbetting halftimes.


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