The Motivation Factor in Sports Betting at SBG Global

October 12th, 2021 Online Sports Betting Odds Line

Sports betting handicapping factors involve looking at many different things including motivation.How many times as a sportsbetting gambler have you seen inferior opponents cover the spread because they were more motivated than their talented opponent? This handicapping factor is one of the better online sportsbetting angles to consider, particularly in college sports.

Sportsbetting motivation can occur for many different reasons. There are occasions where a team will point for a long time towards a particular game and the motivational edge is theirs.  Other times a team will have a difficult loss and then be flat the following week. This happens all the time in sports and is something to consider. When you look at the sports betting line you should always give consideration to going against teams when they often have little left to give and are flat following an emotional game.

It is important for a sportsbetting gambler to consider motivation as a handicapping factor. Very often when we handicap it is easy to overlook the motivation factor in favor of all of the other sports betting statistics. If you can take a few notes and remember what happened in the past, it could present you with some good sportsbetting opportunities. Many professional sports betting gamblers will come up with notebooks to track all kinds of angles and theories. Adding motivation to that notebook would be a good idea in online sports betting. Good record keeping can be a solid part of handicapping success in sports betting. It is sometimes hard to remember what happened just a few days ago, let alone what happened weeks and weeks ago so record keeping is important.

If you look into sportsbetting deeply you will find that motivation is a great equalizer in certain situations. Very often vastly talented teams will lose games because they are not motivated. Talent doesn’t always win games. This really applies a lot in letdown situations but it can also apply when good teams overlook poor teams. It is not always the case, but sometimes the inferior team really wants to put on a good show and that motivation can make up for a lack of talent. You also have to remember that in football and basketball the sportsbetting odds are also in the underdog’s favor. If that team also has motivation they can become a very attractive bet in online sports betting. Most people talk about revenge when it comes to motivation in online sportsbetting. Motivation is a funny thing and a factor that can often be overlooked in online sports betting.

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