Cutting Sports Betting Losses at SBG Global

October 26th, 2021 Online Sports Betting Odds Line

Sports betting can be successful if you are able to cut your losses. One of the most difficult parts of sportsbetting is to understand that losses are going to happen. You are not going to win every game but you can cut down some of your losses against the sportsbetting odds.

Sportsbetting gamblers that have success still lose 40-45 percent of their wagers. The gamblers that make money in sports betting have the goal of winning between 55 and 60 percent of their wagers. If they can cut their losses down they can increase that percentage by a point or two which can be huge at the end of the year. So, how do you cut your losses against the sports betting odds? The best way to cut losses in sports betting is to avoid mistakes. You can’t make the same mistakes that most gamblers make. That means you can’t “bail out” and “chase” losses as you will likely only make things worse. When tough times arrive in sports betting you have to remain disciplined.

One way to cut losses in sportsbetting is to set loss limits that you will not allow yourself to go over. For example, on a college basketball Saturday you set a loss limit of $500 and if things go badly you don’t keep playing. You regroup and get ready for the next day of sports betting. You don’t go chasing losses. Remember, there are always more sports betting odds to choose from the next day. By imposing loss limits you force yourself to be disciplined and you cut your losses. Keeping your slumps to a minimum and not overreacting to anything will help you cut losses in sportsbetting.

Another way to cut losses in sportsbetting is to play your games at the right time. What does that mean? It means that you are searching for the best sportsbetting odds on your games. For example, if you like the Patriots in the NFL you better play them early in the week because you know the public is going to drive the sports betting line on them higher as game time approaches. Conversely, if you like a team like the Lions you are better off waiting until gameday as your chances of getting a better line increase. The public usually bets favorites so that means if you like a favorite, bet them early and if you like the underdog, bet them late. That is a general statement though and may not always apply. It is just something to remember as you try and cut losses in sports betting.


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