Tour De France Up Next On the Online Wagering Calendar

December 1st, 2021 Online Wagering

Tour De France Up Next On the Online Wagering Calendar. Like soccer, cycling is a sport that has yet to catch in the US but an online wagering endeavor that remains hugely popular in Europe and beyond. In fact cycling is one of the top sports, just after soccer betting, in many European countries and attracts huge followings of wagering online fans and attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators to the events themselves.

In just a few short weeks the granddaddy of all online wagering cycling events will take place and if you’ve never seen a bike racing event or bet online on such a sporting event than now is the perfect time to start.

The 2010 Tour de France will begin in just a few short weeks and most of the European sporting world will be following this race with great excitement.  After all, it’s arguably the biggest sporting event in the world this year after the World Cup betting action and the Super Bowl wagering activity.

The question most online wagering fans that have never engaged in online wagering on a cycling event probably have is: what makes bike racing so exciting?  After all, the riders don’t go nearly as fast auto racing and there doesn’t seem to be the bone-jarring wrecks that sports betting fans can watch in NASCAR?

But think of cycling as the anti-NASCAR betting event.  If you’re appalled by NASCAR, then this is the event for you.  The riders involved in top flight cycling events like the Tour de France are some of the fittest athletes in online wagering and you can’t help but be impressed by their efforts.  In addition the scenery and the aesthetic beauty of the Tour de France and other wagering online races are breathtaking.  These cycling events meander through the Alps, along beautiful seascapes and the pastoral countryside, reason enough to take up cycling betting.

And even if you are an avid NASCAR betting fan than you should still check out the Tour de France as the pileups can be horrific, paling anything you’ll see in stockcar racing.  The injuries can be gruesome and you’re into betting on sports simply for the sick joy of watching carnage than you’ll find plenty in this year’s Tour de France online wagering action.


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