Tigers Injuries Could Affect Odds at Internet Gambling Companies

December 16th, 2021 Online Gambling

The Detroit Tigers are still in the race in the American League Central but they have suffered a number of injuries that could affect their odds at Internet gambling companies. The Tigers lost Magglio Ordonez and Carlos Guillen to injuries on Saturday night. The loss of those two players really hurts and the Tigers could struggle vs. online gambling odds down the road.

Internet gambling companies favor the Chicago White Sox and Minnesota Twins in the American League Central.  The Tigers are considered the third choice now that they have lost so many players to injury.  They had already lost third baseman Brandon Inge. Now they are without two more starters with the injuries to Ordonez and Guillen.  The question now becomes what Detroit will do at the trading deadline to replace those players.

The Tigers could be without Ordonez for the rest of the season.  He fractured his right ankle in Saturday’s 3-2 loss to the Toronto Blue Jays. Guillen strained his calf so his injury is not as serious.  Ordonez is not going to be back anytime soon and Brandon Inge is also out for at least a month.  The Tigers really could have trouble in the next couple of weeks unless they make a deal before Saturday’s trading deadline.  They are without their starting right fielder, second baseman and third baseman. In the batting order they lose their third, sixth and seventh place hitters. Detroit manager Jim Leyland said that the team will miss the injured players but he will not accept the injuries to be an excuse.

The injury to Ordonez could mean the end of his career with the Tigers. He is in the last season of his contract.  He needed 135 starts this season for his contract to be renewed for next season at $15 million. He is unlikely to reach that number now.  The Tigers may decide that Ordonez is not worth the big money he was making.

The immediate future in online gambling odds will have the Tigers with a different starting lineup. It is probably going to be weaker in terms of runs scored. Leyland said the team will be fine as long as they get quality pitching.  Detroit has some talent in the rotation but far too often it has been inconsistent which is why Detroit is trailing Chicago in the division.