600 HR gambling online club at SBG Global

January 25th, 2022 Online Gambling

In an age where homerun records seem to be falling fortnightly Ken Griffey’s recent achievement could seem diminished to some gambling online fans. But that would be a great injustice not only to Griffey but to the sports gambling community at large.  You see Griffey is gambling online’s equivalent of a Greek tragedy and after hitting his 600 career homerun the feeling running through most gambling online fans was equal parts bitter and sweet.

It’s not that sports gambling fans do not appreciate what was Griffey has achieved.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite.  Watching Griffey hit his 600th homerun was for many gambling online fans a great thing to see indeed.  But at the same time most fans that watched Junior play since before the advent of the gambling online couldn’t help but think what might have been.  One of the most naturally blessed players ever to set foot on a gambling online baseball diamond watching Griffey hit a baseball is something what it must have been like to watch Picasso move his brush across the canvas.

For year’s to come gambling online fans and hitting instructors will use Griffey’s quick, fluid swing as the model for young hitters to emulate.  The sports gambling universe rarely sees such a rare natural talent and there was nothing Griffey could not do when it came to online baseball gambling.  And even though there are only five other players in the history of sports gambling to reach this milestone, in the back of most gambling online fans minds it still feels like a disappointment.

In his prime Griffey broke nearly ever homerun record that existed, reaching every sports gambling milestone faster than any other player.  At that time, before baseball online gambling became bogged down by steroids, Barry Bonds wasn’t even considered in the same league as Junior when it came to hitting the long ball.  Gambling online pundits were busy calculating the dates when Griffey would break Hank Aaron’s all time sports gambling record.

But then injuries struck and robbed perhaps the greatest baseball player ever of many gambling online baseball records and stole the prime of his career away.  And that is the bitter sweetness that surrounds this tremendous gambling online baseball achievement.  But even though injuries may have stolen away his career on the field one thing they never took was Junior’s brilliant smile and love for the game.  And that is most likely his greatest achievement.