2010 Stanley Cup Betting Fans Have Gotten Their Money’s Worth

For anyone that thinks hockey betting is a boring past time I present Exhibit A: the 2010 Stanley Cup betting action. There is no way that sports betting fan that has caught any of the 5 games of the Stanley Cup odds action would disagree. Unlike many years in the past when this championship NHL betting series was decided on paper even before the Stanley Cup Finals even began the 2010 Stanley Cup betting action has been about as unpredictable as hockey betting series in years.  The Chicago Blackhawks won two straight games.  Then the Philadelphia Flyers won two straight games.  The Hawks than took the next game and 3-2 lead and actually have a chance to close up the 2010 Stanley Cup betting action with a Game 6 win on the road.

But if the previous games in this NHL odds matchup are any kind of guide the home ice advantage has been a key throughout this series and the Flyers seem like they certainly have an edge in the 2010 Stanley Cup betting odds in Game 6.  But unpredictability has been a key part of this NHL playoff betting series so you never know.

But aside from the unpredictability and the interesting Stanley Cup odds action the pace of play on the ice has been fantastic.  The NHL front offices couldn’t be more pleased with the product we’ve seen so far on the ice in the 2010 Stanley Cup betting action.

For a hockey betting purist this series might be a work of art, but for casual sports betting fans that complain that the NHL betting is goal starved and want to see more scoring, their prayers have been answered.  There has been no shortage of goals throughout this series and there will likely be plenty more in the remaining games as well.  And one interesting aspect to the goal scoring bonanza is that it hasn’t been the big NHL betting stars like Toews or Richards that have been netting the points but unexpected players like Seabrook and Hartnell who have getting their teams in the scoring column.

So whatever happens in Game 6 and possible Game 7 of the 2010 Stanley Cup betting action it would be very difficult for any hockey betting fan to claim that this wasn’t one of the most exciting Stanley Cup betting series in a very long time!