Stanley Cup Betting: Wings Looking to Repeat at SBG Global

Stanley Cup betting has been dominated in recent years by the Detroit Red Wings. Since the 2003 lockout no team has been more successful in the Stanley Cup odds than the Red Wings. Even in the years when the Wings don’t win the Stanley Cup odds they are still among the best in the league and the 2009 Stanley Cup odds race has been more of the same.

Stanley Cup wagering gurus had the Red Wings short listed as favorites to win it all in the 2008-2009 season and so far the Wings have proven their prediction to be truth. After tearing through the regular season as the top team in the NHL they were among the favorites to appear in the 2009 Stanley Cup wagering.

At present they are just two wins away from not only being featured in the 2009 Stanley Cup odds but just six wins away from repeating as Stanley Cup wagering champs. After taking a 2-0 lead against the Blackhawks the team now controls its own destiny in terms of reaching another Stanley Cup wagering berth.

What has been so impressive (or disappointing depending on how you view it) has been the Wings success in the run up the Stanley Cup odds with very little input from its big name playmakers. The impact of Zetterberg, Hossa and MVP-candidate Pavel Datsyuk has been minimal. Yet the Wings have still managed to plaster its playoff opponents and looks poised to be featured in the Stanley Cup wagering.

The reason for the team’s success is no secret. Its previous Stanley Cup odds success and any success it might enjoy in the Stanley Cup betting this year are a result of its suffocating defense and terrific depth. This team has four complete shifts with talented play makers that can affect a game in each one –no other team in the Stanley Cup betting hunt comes close to matching that kind of talent.

If the Red Wings advance to the 2009 Stanley Cup wagering they will most likely be the favorites in the odds. Any team that wants to be the new Stanley Cup wagering champ must knock off the defending Stanley Cup betting champ –the Wings. Right now, the Blackhawks don’t look to have enough left in the tank to knock off the champs and the smart money is on the Wings to earn another shot at the Stanley Cup wagering in 2009.