NFL Playoffs Betting Lines & Trends

NFL playoffs betting lines and trends are interesting to look at when the NFL playoffs begin. What is the story with trends in the NFL playoffs?  Do they actually help you find winners when looking at the NFL betting lines? NFL playoffs betting lines can be examined a number of different ways.  You can come up with an NFL betting trend for every team in the NFL playoffs.  Another term for trends is angles or situations.

The problem with trends or angles is that they are endless in nature and oftentimes don’t mean very much as you look at NFL playoffs betting lines.  If you look long enough you are going to find amazing trends on every single game in the NFL playoffs.  You might find that road teams in the last 10 years as an 8-10 point dog don’t do very well and win only 20% of the time.  That doesn’t mean anything for today’s NFL betting lines though.  It really is a coin flip as to whether the trend will continue for today’s NFL playoffs betting lines.

The problem with many trends for NFL betting lines is that they are past trends.  The NFL is very much a parity driven league where things change quickly.  What worked many years ago does not have any bearing on today’s game.  NFL trends in NFL playoffs betting lines are a dime a dozen.  Many publications and websites claim that these trends actually make money.  The reality is they don’t.  You can find an NFL trend easy enough.  You don’t need a magazine or a website that finds them for you because they don’t win.

Many sports services will tout these great NFL betting lines trends as part of their advertising but you should know right now that these trends aren’t going to make you any money in the long run.  The bottom line is that trends are eye catching but they are really overrated as you look at NFL playoffs betting lines.  They can be nice to look at but they hold very little relevance as to what will happen in today’s game and that is really all you care about.  You want to win today, period.  Trends in NFL playoffs betting lines are probably not going to be much help to you in that regard.