March Madness Betting Scoring at SBG Global

March Madness betting involves a lot of teams, conferences, and different handicapping methods. A college basketball bettor simply doesn’t have enough time to do a thorough research job on all teams and games so he must develop criteria that help him cut down his work and point him in the correct direction for March Madness wagering. Let’s look at one of those methods in March Madness wagering.

March Madness betting can often provide you with winners if you keep things simple. One of the more simple and yet accurate barometers to judge quality college basketball teams in March Madness betting is a simple stat known as scoring margin, which simply is the final number off of the equation of a team’s average points for minus its point against. This will give you a good idea of which teams in the March Madness bracket are stronger and which ones might be weaker. It stands to reason that teams with excellent scoring margins can be relied on more heavily as chalks than would be the case for teams with smaller margins in the March Madness bracket. Top notch scoring margin teams also show evidence of being a power program and that they have the ability to dominate opponents, which of course is critical to March Madness betting gamblers.

Just as important, teams with good scoring margins in March Madness wagering also are, more often than not, good defensive clubs that have demonstrated an ability to shut the opposition down and suffocate it.
By using such statistics as scoring margin a March Madness betting gambler can quickly sift through a lot of time consuming garbage and point himself in the right direction for potentially solid plays. Time is of critical importance to a March Madness betting gambler and finding reliable statistics such as scoring margin makes the job easier and provides better focus. One mistake March Madness betting gamblers can make is doing too much, which clogs their mind, confuses them, and fatigues them into ineffective gamblers.

The simpler you can make things in March Madness betting the better off you will be. If you get too confused looking at statistics then keep it simple and just look at scoring margins as you examine the March Madness bracket. It is a good starting place and can lead you to winners as you bet the March Madness bracket.

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