The 10 Best NBA Preseason Betting Stars of the Decade

September 28th, 2023 Live NBA Betting Lines

NBA preseason betting is nigh, and fans over the last 10 years have seen players rise and fall from fame. Of the hundreds of NBA betting players, who have the top 10 of the past 10 years been? NBA preseason wagering stats over the past 10 years show that the top 10 are:

10. Allen Iverson was able to score very well in NBA preseason wagering and over the past 10 NBA betting seasons. Well enough to make the list, though there are plenty of other areas he could have done a lot better in.

9. Tracy McGrady is a good player in many aspects of the game, from scoring to his ability to defend. At 23 he became the best in the league in the 2002-03 NBA preseason wagering. From then on, he’s been injury prone and hasn’t played many games.

8. NBA preseason betting on Dwayne Wade has always yielded excellent results. He’s a late starter considering he joined the NBA betting league in the 2003-04 season. He could be MVP, but having missed over 60 games that’ll put him at #8.

7. Jason Kidd was an all-around top notch NBA betting player for a long while. Though he isn’t up where he used to be, judging by how he’s done in previous NBA preseason betting and regular season stats, he was up there long enough to deserve a spot.

6. Shaquille O’Neal probably deserves a higher spot on this NBA preseason wagering list, given he was one of the best players the previous decade, but he’s not the same man he once was.

5. Now, he may be one of the top 3 NBA preseason betting players out there at the moment, but the fact that LeBron James didn’t enter until 2003 puts him at #5 on the list. Before him, the Cavs were 8th in the division, and have only gone up since he’s been with them in NBA preseason wagering.

4. Who says white men can’t jump? Dirk Nowitzki has dazzled fans of NBA preseason wagering since 2000 by scoring very well, returning rebounds, and being an altogether efficient player.

3. Compared to other players, NBA preseason betting fans must note Kobe Bryant’s setback is his height. Still he has a passion for the NBA betting game that shows in his performance. Though having more MVP awards than we care to count, Kobe still has to settle for third.

2. The Celtics are grateful to have a man like Kevin Garnett on their NBA preseason betting roster. At #2, averaging over 20 points per game, he’s neck and neck with Kobe but his defense puts him just one spot above.

1. The #1 player to watch in NBA preseason betting is Tim Duncan. In 10 years, he’s taken the Spurs to 3 championships, dominates games when he has the ball, and is a proficient scorer.


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