2008 NBA betting Playoffs at SBG Global Sports betting

November 7th, 2023 Live NBA Betting Lines

NBA Betting on the playoffs has a lot more action in terms of betting than the regular season. NBA lines and spreads online are what mainly appeal to basketball bettors. During the NBA Finals, an exciting wave of NBA wagers and props maximizes potential winnings at all sportbooks. NBA playoff betting online is considered one of the most profitable events in the gambling industry.

NBA action is the best during the NBA finals where NBA basketball games actually mean something and where the stakes are high. NBA basketball betting reaches its peak during the finals and fans who don’t normally bet the regular season will start their basketball wagering by betting the NBA Playoffs. Many times I advise players that want to bet the NBA playoffs to throw out most of what they did during the regular season, because much of it is now worthless. Betting the NBA Playoffs is very different from betting regular season action.

We can’t talk about NBA and the NBA playoffs without first mentioning the most popular basketball betting strategy of betting the playoffs, the zig-zag theory. Put simply, the zig zag theory is taking the loser of the previous NBA game in a series to win the next game. This NBA theory has been successful throughout the years and has been used throughout the NBA finals, but has tapered off in recent years as bookmakers have become more aware of the strategy. The zig-zag theory has some sound basis for following.

Another NBA option to seriously consider for basketball betting during the NBA playoffs is the series price available at SBG GLOBAL. Many NBA fans love to bet the series because it keeps them in action for 5 or 7 games without risking money on every single NBA basketball game. You may also have the option to hedge your bet a bit if your team gets off to a good start in the NBA basketball betting series. You may also have the option of taking the adjusted series price at any time if you think there is value. Look what happened in the 2006 NBA playoffs. The NBA Finals had Dallas taking the first two games at home against Miami. The Heat were written off for dead and gamblers could have made a killing taking the generous +300 offered at SBG GLOBAL or more on Miami after they were down two games to none.

NBA betting on the playoffs is about making adjustments. You have to recognize that teams play differently during the playoffs and change your handicapping accordingly. Using series bets and an NBA theory like the zig-zag are just two weapons to use in your arsenal. And of course, you can find the most amazing NBA lines and spreads online if you play with SBG Global