NBA Betting Online – Yao to get Limited Minutes

November 8th, 2023 Live NBA Betting Lines

NBA betting online handicappers are quite aware that the Houston Rockets are an entirely different team with superstar center Yao Ming in the lineup.

A Challenging handicap

The big challenge for handicappers entering the 2010-11 NBA season will be how to figure the Houston Rockets with half a Yao, as that appears to be what the Rockets will have this year, a limited Yao Ming that will play roughly half of the game.

Betting on the Rockets this year at Sbgglobal means that Yao will play roughly 24 minutes of each 48 minute game.  The Rockets will want to preserve the injury plagued center’s career and will have to use him in key situations, although they downplayed when exactly Yao would play.  It would be safe to figure that if he is healthy, the Rockets would certainly want him in the majority of the 4th quarter of play when the games most often come down to the final decision.

Strict Limit

Houston trainer Keith Jones was adamant about the 24 minute number and stated that it is per game, not an average, which means that of Yao played 20 minutes of one game, he would not be allowed to play 28 minutes of the following matchup.

All About Winning

Rockets general manager Daryl Morey said that each decision the Rockets make regarding Yao Ming and related NBA betting issues will all come down to the final common denominator of winning and making the playoffs.  Last year the Rockets finished a mediocre 42-40 and were a loser on the board with a mark of 37-45 against the spread.  The Rockets were in the red both home and on the road with a NBA betting online mark of 18-23 against the spread at home and 19-22 versus the number on the road.

Cautious Approach

The Rockets have too much invested in Yao to be reckless about his health.  Although doctors have declared the big man’s foot at 100% for the 2010-11 NBA betting season “The Franchise” has been in and out of the lineup over the past few seasons with various ailments.  Yao has been agreeable about being cautious as there was a time after his foot injury was discovered that it might be a career ender.  Yao has been pleased with the support he has received from the team and his family.


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