NBA Basketball Betting Strategy at SBG Global

November 27th, 2023 Live NBA Betting Lines

Basketball betting strategies for the NBA are numerous, but not always successful. As we look to find the best NBA basketball betting strategy we need to start by deciding whether or not we want to focus on sides or totals. Some basketball bettors focus on sides, while others focus on totals. It is rare to see a good handicapper concentrate on both in online basketball betting.

Basketball betting strategies for sides is where we will focus our attention. Keep in mind that online basketball betting in the NBA is different than football betting because the teams play so many more games and play more than one time in a week. Factors that can be critical are travel, fatigue, and the schedule. Some teams will play three games in four nights and that is something we need to be aware of in online basketball betting. Some NBA basketball betting handicappers do nothing other than focus on travel and base their plays against tired teams. Basketball betting in the NBA is a daily event and that is something we always want to remember. The NBA season is long for both players and for basketball betting gamblers.

There are many NBA basketball betting strategies that people have tried, but none have really been that successful. The one that has had some success is the one we mentioned earlier in online basketball betting, and that involves the schedule. Let’s examine that one more closely. We want to look for teams in bad travel situations facing teams in a good situation. We want to play the rested team, particularly at home, that is facing a team coming off a game the previous night, or is on the back end of a long road trip. You can also play against teams in back to back situations in basketball betting, but this is not quite as simple because some teams are young enough to handle it. Every team though, is going to have trouble at the end of road trips or facing a 3rd game in four nights. It is grueling. You can make an addition to this basketball betting strategy and look at teams coming off a game the previous night and now traveling to play either Utah or Denver at a higher altitude. The road team not only has to deal with the fatigue factor, they also have to deal with the thin air.

In this discussion about NBA basketball betting we looked at just one main factor and that was the schedule. Keeping it simple and focusing on only one strategy is an excellent way to make money in basketball betting and to keep from looking at too many things.

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