NBA Basketball Betting Injuries at SBG Global

November 28th, 2023 Live NBA Betting Lines

Basketball betting injuries are talked about a lot, particularly NBA injuries. These injuries can be a major factor in the basketball betting line. Some line services spend a lot of time and effort to research injuries and sometimes that information is helpful but other times it is not. What is actually important in terms of injuries in NBA betting?

Basketball betting injuries are almost always overreacted to by the public and by sportsbooks. Over time if a key player is missing games then an injury can become important, but in just one game the basketball betting line is almost always adjusted too much. NBA injuries are the ones that get the most attention because a key player is thought to really impact an NBA game. For example, if Kobe Bryant is out for the Lakers the basketball betting line is likely to move a great deal. That doesn’t mean that line move will win though. People make too much out of a key player missing in just one game in basketball betting.

Very often the team missing the injured player will come together and play harder for that one game. That is why injury games just don’t win as much as you might think in basketball betting. The basketball betting oddsmaker and the public overreact to the injury or missing player and take the other team, particularly in NBA betting. For that one game the injured team plays above their heads and oftentimes wins or covers the basketball betting pointspread. In the long run though, a major injury can really hurt a team but in those instances the basketball betting line has already been adjusted.

What you want to remember about injuries in NBA betting is that they are something to consider but they are not the end all. They are not nearly as critical as oddsmakers and bettors believe in basketball betting. Many times the injured team plays harder to make up for the loss of a player and wins the game, especially in NBA betting. If you can remember that one point about injuries you will save yourself a lot of time and money in terms of basketball betting.

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