Basketball Sports Betting Road at SBG Global

January 19th, 2024 Live NBA Betting Lines

Basketball sports betting for many gamblers will involve betting the home teams. In online sports wagering odds on NBA games, gamblers usually like the home teams. Have you ever noticed that some NBA teams are great at home and are poor on the road? In basketball sports wagering how do you account for the home-road factor?

When you look at handicapping online sports wagering odds on NBA games a good place to start is with the home-road statistics.  You need to find teams that really fit into a good pattern.  Some teams like Denver and Utah are always going to be tough at home simply for the fact that other teams have to adjust to the higher altitude.  The thin air in Colorado and to a lesser extent in Utah seems to give road teams problems and the Nuggets have had a nice home court advantage as have the Jazz.

The Nuggets and Jazz usually do well at home against the basketball sports wagering line and struggle on the road.  You can get that home court advantage with other teams in basketball sports betting but with the Jazz and Nuggets we know part of the reason.  Some teams like Dallas and San Antonio have superb home court edges in basketball sports wagering because they are good teams.  Others like Portland may have a good home court edge even though they are not that good.  It depends upon the team and their fan base as you look at online sports betting odds on NBA games.

Some teams can actually be good road teams against the basketball sports betting spread but struggle at home.  This doesn’t happen as often but you will sometimes see it with mid-range NBA teams in basketball sports betting.  You might find a team with a nothing home court advantage like Toronto or Atlanta and they may actually be better on the road.  Usually there is a difference in how the basketball sports betting oddsmakers rate home court in the NBA.  Some teams have a big edge while others don’t get a whole lot of credit in basketball sports betting.

Every season in basketball sports betting brings new results into play but it is important for us to notice that as the year progresses you will see patterns. In every major sport certain teams play much better in certain situations than in others.  Teams really can get to the point where they are unstoppable at home and rotten on the road.  There sometimes are reasons for this but sometimes it just happens in basketball sports betting.  The same thing happens every season.  Keep an eye out for those trends that develop where teams just can’t win on the road or where they look untouchable at home.  Being aware of how things develop during the season can help you with online sports betting odds on NBA odds.