Basketball Betting Attention at SBG Global

February 19th, 2024 Live NBA Betting Lines

Basketball betting does not get the attention that football betting gets but it does have a place with gamblers. Many professionals make a living at basketball and are quite skilled at their trade. But there are also ever increasing multitudes of casual basketball bettors that get involved in NBA betting online action.

Basketball public gamblers usually flock to the popular pro and college basketball teams. In the professional ranks that would include the Los Angeles Lakers, Boston Celtics and even teams like the Detroit Pistons, Dallas Mavericks and San Antonio Spurs. All of these teams have been recently associated with on the court success and, as a result, attract a lot of attention from the typical basketball gambler. In college basketball betting your traditional power programs such as Kentucky, Duke, North Carolina, Kansas, and UCLA attract the attention of the masses.

Part of thinking like a sportsbook at basketball is to understand how the masses think. They align themselves with the most successful basketball teams because that is where their comfort zone is, as they are betting with a “straight up” rather than basketball betting pointspread angle. The sportsbook oddsmakers are fully aware of the masses inclinations to wager on the big name teams in college and NBA betting online action and therefore raise up the basketball spreads on those teams, which takes away any of their true value.

A team like Charlotte might not be of much interest to the public straight up but they can cover the NBA betting online pointspread. The public looks at the NBA basketball line looking for straight up winners while the professional looks at things from a basketball betting pointspread point of view. That is oftentimes the difference between winning and losing in basketball.

Teams like the Lakers, Celtics and Spurs rarely have a lot of value in NBA betting online circles against the basketball betting pointspread because of their appeal with the masses, who bet on them without regard to their merits or value. If you want to win when you bet on basketball action this season you must start to think like an oddsmaker instead of like a fan.

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