Los Angeles Lakers NBA betting odds

February 26th, 2024 Live NBA Betting Lines

The Los Angeles Lakers finished with a 42-40 record last season and made the playoffs for NBA betting odds fans.They did it solely on the back of NBA MVP Kobe Bryant. On a nightly basis Kobe carried the Lakers as NBA betting fans saw. Other than Lamar Odom, the Lakers had no other player that could score and Bryant did an amazing job getting the Lakers into the playoffs and making them competitive in terms of NBA betting odds. Los Angeles tried to make some moves in the off-season but fans of NBA betting odds know that really nothing was done to help Kobe other than stockpile young talent. Los Angeles did sign Derek Fisher though and NBA betting fans believe he should more than make up for the loss of Smush Parker.

Most fans of NBA betting odds know that the Lakers are basically Kobe and not much else. NBA betting odds experts see that Odom never plays up to his ability and Andrew Bynum, Luke Walton and even Derek Fisher are role players at best. Fans looking at NBA betting odds see that the Lakers do have some young talent including rookies Javaris Crittenton, Marc Gasol and Coby Karl. They also have point guard Sun Yue. Experts that look at NBA betting odds know that all of this young talent is great but it is not what Kobe wants or needs to make a run at an NBA title this season. Crittenton has a lot of potential and could affect NBA betting odds but he still will need time. The Los Angeles Lakers could be better this season in terms of NBA betting because Fisher is an upgrade over Parker and the young talent does have potential to make an impact in the NBA this season.

As you look at NBA betting odds this season remember that the Lakers are still very much a public team. That means they are oftentimes overvalued on the NBA betting odds board. Sometimes you can pick spots in NBA betting to take the Lakers but you have to be cautious. For the most part the Lakers are a go-against team simply because of their high profile. With a superstar like Kobe the Lakers get way too much respect on the NBA betting odds board. Keep that fact in mind as you look at NBA betting odds this season.