Online Baseball Betting: Where Johan Santana Land

March 4th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

Online baseball betting fans have seen many great pitchers in the past few years. But no pitcher in baseball betting has been as good as the Minnesota Twins Johan Santana over the past five years.

Anyone online baseball would love to have him on their team and since the Twins put him on the trading block its likely some online baseball betting fans’ dream will come true. Online baseball experts have been reporting that the Twins have been actively talking with the Yankees to work a deal. But these talks have been dragging on for over a month and many baseball betting fans are begin to wonder if this deal will ever get done. Recently, Hank Stienbrenner the new boss of the Bronx Bombers commented that perhaps online baseball fans wouldn’t see Santana in Yankee pinstripes. According to Hank, the Twins are asking for too much in return for the two-time Cy Young Award winner, and that New York was unwilling to meet their demands.

But as anyone who knows a thing about baseball betting would attest to, when those kinds of comments come about it generally means a deal is close at hand –if not with the Yankees, than some other team, perhaps the Red Sox. If Boston were to acquire Santana it would be case of online baseball betting’s rich getting richer. The Red Sox already had the best pitching staff in online baseball betting including both the starting rotation and the bullpen. If the team was to add Santana as the top of the team’s rotation would consist of at least three number one starters and pile up the online baseball betting.

But the Yankees are much more desperate for starting pitching and so will likely offer more than Boston would in any potential online baseball trade. Already the Yankees are offering quite a lot of young talent including several top prospects and Melky Cabrera. With the latest round of the online baseball steroid scandal including the names of Roger Clemens and Andy Pettite, the Yankees pitching situation has grown even direr.

From an online baseball perspective it would seem much more likely that Santana will be a Yankee when training camp starts. Boston would be willing to pay handsomely for Santana, but the World Series champ isn’t as desperate as the Yankees, and New York’s desperation will likely lead to one of the biggest off-season baseball betting deals this year.

So despite what Steinbrenner might be saying at present, expect some type of online baseball betting deal to get done sooner rather than later.