MLB Pre-Season Betting on the New York Mets

March 22nd, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

MLB pre-season betting on the New York Mets will be of particular interesting to many MLB betting enthusiasts due to how the Mets ended the 2007 regular season.

As the pennant races began, many MLB betting analysts figured the Mets would reach the World Series, but in then end the team could not even reach the playoffs. The question now is whether their historic meltdown will continue to haunt them during baseball pre-season betting match ups.MLB pre-season betting on the Mets will certainly involve baseball betting on a team looking to redeem itself. Last year’s debacle will be remembered for many years in New York and has become yet another tale in the saga of the Mets’ struggles. Some gamblers will be hesitant about MLB pre-season betting on the Mets in 2008 because these MLB betting fans may feel that the Mets still have not snapped their horrible cold streak. On the other hand, other gamblers may feel that MLB pre-season betting on the Mets will have nothing to do with last year’s struggles.

It is the latter opinion that will likely hold true for baseball pre-season betting. The Mets have improved since last season, primarily through the acquisition of pitching ace Johan Santana. Santana is one of the top few pitchers in the league and he will certainly be helping the Mets, even in MLB pre-season betting. Admittedly, a pitcher will only play in a limited number of MLB pre-season betting match ups, but many gamblers looking toward baseball pre-season betting figure that his arrival in New York will help invigorate the clubhouse as the players know they have a good shot at making a deep playoff run this year with Santana on the roster.

Furthermore, even if Santana had never arrived, it is unlikely that the Mets’ past problems would have continued into the new season and impacted the team’s baseball pre-season betting. Simply put, the offseason has likely given the team an opportunity to regroup and solve whatever issues plagued the team at the end of last season. Additionally, gamblers know that MLB pre-season betting is not like MLB betting in the regular season because teams are more interested in preparing for the season than actually winning games. As a result, baseball pre-season betting is influenced by many non-traditional factors, but streaks from past seasons are rarely relevant.