MLB Playoffs Odds Profile of the Cubs

April 1st, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

MLB playoffs odds generally focus only on the baseball aspects of the MLB playoffs betting. But in some cases, like the Chicago Cubs’ quest to win a World Series ring, they must also take in account things like the supernatural.

The various curses and black cats that have hindered baseball playoffs odds betting on the Cubs could all come into play this season, but no matter how you look at it the Cubs are strong contender in this year’s baseball playoffs odds. MLB playoffs odds makers have liked what they’ve seen from Chicago closing out the season well and clinching the NL Central. The team has seen vast improvement in the starting rotation and, as always, has plenty of firepower at the plate. This team is always a powerful contender in baseball playoffs odds, but somehow always finds a way to lose. Perhaps it dates back the curse of the goat or the unlucky black cat. Whatever it is has prevented this team from dominating MLB playoffs odds betting and hoisting the World Series trophy in 100 years.

When it comes to pure baseball playoffs odds betting these excuses mean nothing. Baseball is the only factor that should really matter in the MLB playoffs odds and this year the team has been playing some great baseball. It all started with the resurgence of the starting rotation. Ryan Dempster has been huge for the Cubs after moving from the bull pen and will very important to the team’s MLB playoffs odds. Without staff ace Carlos Zambrano, the Cubs’ rotation is significantly weakened, as are its hopes. But with Ted Lily there as back up, the two strong starters might be enough to get over the baseball playoffs betting hump.

Run support will be critical for the team’s baseball playoffs odds and they should get plenty of that from teammates against their opponents but your guess in baseball playoffs odds betting is as good as anyone’s. With five hitters batting over .280 with at least 20 homers, lightening can strike at any time. Opposing pitchers will have their hands full and the offense will be expected to carry the Cubs in their MLB playoffs odds quest for a title.

Manager Lou Pinela has plenty of MLB playoffs odds experience and a couple World Series rings to prove it. But he hasn’t won anything in the baseball playoffs odds with the Cubs and would love nothing more than to give the city a World Series title exactly a century since the last time the Cubs achieved success in baseball playoffs odds.

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