Going Against the Grain When Making a Baseball Bet

April 22nd, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

Baseball bet odds give you a lot of chances to go against the grain. Baseball betting is very much tilted toward the favorites and that means taking the underdogs is going to be unpopular. If you want to find value though when you make a baseball bet you must oftentimes go against the grain.

Baseball bet is going to give you a lot of ugly underdogs.  Teams like Kansas City and Pittsburgh are not going to look good on paper in baseball betting but they are still going to win more than 60 games each this season.  It is more likely that each will win over 70 games.  That is a lot of value if you can get them in the right spots. It also means you can’t simply bet against these teams every single game and win all of your baseball betting wagers.  If you are betting against Pittsburgh every game and laying more than 2-1 much of the time you are not going to win money making a baseball bet.

Sometimes you are simply going to have to go against the grain and take unpopular teams.  You might even have to go against popular teams like the Yankees and Red Sox.  You won’t like it, but keep in mind these teams are going to lose more than 60 games each this season.  The Yankees and Red Sox are so overpriced that you can make money at times going against them this baseball season. Remember in baseball betting that every team is going to lose at least 60 games unless it is a great season by some team that rarely happens. We just don’t see teams win 100 games in a season anymore.  That gives you a lot of chances to find value when you make a baseball bet.

You can go against the grain further and look at home/road equations in baseball.  Some teams can provide value at home while they struggle on the road. This baseball bet example happens all the time where a team gives you a lot more value than they should simply because they are at home or on the road.  After baseball gets going for a month or so, take a look at the home/away numbers for each team and see if you can find teams that offer you excellent value when making a baseball bet.