Brandon Webb could be done for the Season

March 5th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

Brandon Webb could be done for the Season. If you are expecting the Arizona Diamondbacks to make any kind of a playoff run and impact baseball betting lines this season you might want to think again.

Franchise pitcher Brandon Webb underwent his second MRI in the past week and met later in the day with team doctor Michael Lee and it looks like Webb could be facing surgery which would put him out of the rest of this year. “We met and discussed options,” General Manager Josh Byrnes said. “Everyone wants to be sure he takes the right course of action.” Webb is expected to see another opinion this week but all indications are that he will need surgery. “The priorities have shifted to making sure we know everything about his health, everything about what is causing his pain,” Diamondbacks manager A.J. Hinch said. “Up to this point, we’ve done everything we can to alleviate that. We thought we cleared a hurdle. His health is priority No. 1. [Webb] pitching in 2009 is a distant second until we know about him physically.”

Baseball betting stats tell us that Webb won the National League Cy Young Award in 2006 and has been one of the top pitchers in baseball betting for the past few seasons. He always gets a lot of respect on the baseball betting line but this season he has been on the disabled list since April 13 because of his shoulder. Webb has been following a program to strengthen the shoulder but felt discomfort and had to shut things down. It seems unlikely that Webb will return this season and that basically ends any chance Arizona had of making a second half run to get into the playoff picture. “It’s hard to say,” Hinch said. “At this point, I don’t think it’s fair until we find out everything about the situation before we talk about this year.”

Arizona is in last place in the National League West and 11 games under .500 as baseball betting information shows. Without Webb in the starting rotation their chances of making the playoffs are gone and their chances of even getting back to .500 seem very remote. Baseball betting odds makers seem to agree as the Diamondbacks are now 110-1 to win the World Series at the online sportsbook. Without Webb they may as well be 1000-1 in baseball betting odds at the sportsbook.