Baseball Pre-Season Betting: don’t believe the hype

May 6th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

Baseball pre-season betting can offer the astute baseball betting fan an abundance of knowledge regarding the upcoming season.However,  pre-season betting can also be extremely misleading at times by actually influencing baseball betting enthusiasts to believe certain things that are not true. Therefore, as you enjoy baeball pre-season betting you must always treat the baeball betting knowledge you obtain with a healthy dose of skepticism so as to avoid believing the hype that is involved in any  pre-season betting period.

Baseball pre-season betting gives baseball betting enthusiasts to first opportunity to see all of the many offseason changes that will impact the upcoming year. For example, with the 2008 pre-season betting period approaching, gamblers are looking forward to seeing Johan Santana in Mets uniform, Joe Torre on the bench with the Dodgers, and the Red Sox returning to defend their World Series crown.

Gamblers involved in pre-season betting know that all of these developments are noteworthy and the knowledge gained about each issue can be very beneficial. However, as gamblers look for significant trends in  pre-season betting, they sometimes begin to accept the veracity of things that ultimately prove to be false.

The Major League Baseball pre-season differs tremendously from the regular season because the games do not really count, and pre-season betting must take this fact into account. Because the results of pre-season games are somewhat meaningless, it is common to see teams that are hugely successfully in baseball pre-season betting turn out to be duds in the regular season, while other teams that struggle in  pre-season betting end up having great years. It is actually fairly common for gamblers to fall into the trap of believing that a team that looks good in baseball pre-season betting will then be good in the regular season.

You must always use your common sense to avoid this folly. For example, if a team like the Reds, Nationals, or Pirates, which you simply know is going to have a difficult year in 2008, is having a tremendously successful pre-season, you should not blindly follow the opinions of other gamblers claiming that 2008 will be the year the franchise turns itself around. You must treat such  pre-season betting theories with lots of skepticism and continue reminding yourself not to believe the hype, because everything will change once the regular season actually begins.