Baseball Betting Odds on the Rockies 2006 Summary

February 29th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

The Rockies have never had a trip to the post season, and 2006 baseball betting odds season was no different for this bumbling baseball bet franchise. Maybe it’s that thin mountain air that gives up too many homers to the other team, maybe it’s the altitude, maybe it’s any number of things, but it just doesn’t make since that this team isn’t better than what it is and was in 2006 baseball betting season.

Traditionally pitching has been the key and it’s just about impossible for this team to attract any free agent pitchers. Baseball betting experts know that Mike Hampton was the last big name pitcher to sign with this club in free agency and remember what happened to him? He went from a twenty baseball bet game winner with Houston to trying to salvage his career with the Braves. Traditionally, the pitching has been the hump for the Rockies to overcome and in 2006 baseball betting season it was the same song different verse.

Rockies Pride

The Rockies can take some pride in knowing that they weren’t the worst team in the baseball betting division. They were actually tied for the worst baseball betting record with Arizona so they were equally as bad, but not the worst. The 76-86 record from 2006 baseball betting season is what it is, terrible. But it’s not so bad that all hope is dashed for 2007 baseball betting odds season, but it’s just bad enough to irritate everyone involved. Not surprisingly, the Rockies went 44-37 within the friendly and thin-aired confines of Coors Field. However, on the road, this baseball bet team was a disaster going a pathetic 32-49, which was nearly the worst road record in all of baseball betting . But that has been the Rockies identity since their inception. When the dust finally settled, team’s .469 winning percentage left them 12 games back from the division winning San Diego Padres.

Whenever you look at Rockies’ roster there is one player that stands out and that is franchise player Todd Helton. This guy is a perennial all-star and, man, can he hit. In 2006 baseball betting odds season he did just that, although not at quite at the pace that Rockies’ baseball bet fans have come to expect. For the second straight baseball betting year his homer total was less than twenty which came as something as a shocker for the baseball bet fans at Coors Field. He started off his career with the Rockies with a string of six consecutive eyras with 30 or more homers and now he can’t even break twenty, what gives? It could be that he’s getting a bit older and the power is slipping a bit. However, the guy is still a key cog in the lineup and as a .333 career hitter he provided plenty of sparks in 2006 baseball betting season.

Remember Brad Hawpe?

One of the big surprises in 2006 baseball betting season was the bat of right fielder Brad Hawpe who smacked 22 homeruns. No big deal playing in the mile-high Coors Stadium right, well he hit 16 of them on the road. If he can translate some of that power at the plate to him home appearances as well, this should be a 30 homer guy in 2007 baseball betting odds season. But the real surprise in 2006 baseball betting season at the plate was third baseman Garrett Atkins stellar numbers. Atkins hit .329 with 29 homers and a very impressive 120 runs batted in. Those are Helton-like numbers and this guy could over take Helton as the stud in the lineup if he keeps up this production.

A lot of the other batters were disappointing though too, including, Clint Barmes the shortstop. Barmes was awful and his batting average dropped 69 points. He’ll probably have a tough job trying to keep his job in the coming baseball betting season. Second baseman Kaz Matsui the Japanese import had a tough time keeping his head above water as well. He really hasn’t ever gotten acclimated to the big leagues and he was definite detriment to this team last baseball betting odds year. And as if these two players weren’t bad enough, catcher Yorvit Torrealba is perhaps the worst hitting player at his position in the entire majors in 2006 baseball betting season.

Baseball betting odds experts know that overall, the Rockies just weren’t the same explosive offensive machine that they’ve been in the past last baseball betting year. They ranked fifth in the NL in runs scored, which for most teams wouldn’t be too bad, but for a baseball bet team that plays in a mile-high stadium, it’s unacceptable. In 2006 baseball betting odds season the lineup was awfully unbalanced with four great hitters in the middle of the lineup and five terrible batters surrounding them. And there have been some changes made, in the off-season to try and correct this, but perhaps not quite enough.