Tampa Bay Devil Rays Baseball Betting 2006 summary

February 28th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

There are not a lot of good things to say about the Devil Rays 2006 baseball betting season. Nor, is there any particularly bright spot to dwell on. However, if something must said about this MLB betting team, it might be noted that they were one of only two teams to break the 100-game barrier. Ordinarily, that might sound great, but we’re talking about the 100-game loss barrier, which isn’t so great.

They did happen to edge out the KC Royals for the worst record in baseball betting. So they got that, which is what it is. However, the good news is they can only go up from here. There was no post season in 2006 and there will be none in 2007, but if the Devil Rays can try and keep the losses under triple digits and see it hey can’t try and finish better than last in the MLB betting league it will be a good start.

There is no kind way to put this but, 2006 as a dreadful baseball betting season for a dreadful franchise. It seems that every year this is the worst team in its baseball betting division. Year after year after year the Tampa Bay Devil Rays seem to finish last in the AL East. But by finishing last in the entire Major League Baseball, they truly out did themselves. The ownership has proved, at best, its incompetent and the MLB betting fans have been Luke warm for years. Why this franchise even exists in an already watered down pitching pool in the big leagues is beyond me. Selig’s office would do the world a giant favor by simply shutting the doors on this baseball betting franchise and raffling off the players in order to strengthen the other team’s rosters. But that won’t happen.

So, in 2007 baseball betting season this team of Rays will try and improve on a 61 win season that saw them dump 101 games along the way. However, believe it or not this team was over .500 at home in its converted hockey rink. The Rays went 41-40 at home which is pretty impressive for 101-loss team. The kryptonite for this ball club however was the road. Away from Tampa Bay Devil Rays the Rays had a league worst, and perhaps even something for the baseball betting records books, a measly 20 wins and 61 losses on the road. Truly, the stuff that legends are made of. The team finished 36 MLB betting games out of first place which was also the worst in baseball betting, as was it’s .377 winning percentage.

So, who was responsible for this awful baseball betting showing you might ask? Well, take your pick. At the catcher spot, the D-Rays did some housecleaning last baseball betting season and acquired Doiner Navarro, who doesn’t do much on the defensive end of his job but can swing a decent bat. His baseball betting numbers should improve as he gets a full baseball betting season under his belt. At first base, the D-Rays will have a new player in 2007 baseball betting season, Josh Wigginton. The man has played nearly every position for every team and has decent glove. There ends the positive info on this guy. Second base, well Jorge Cantu is the guilty party here swinging an awful bat with a .249 average. Shortstop, another position with zero offensive output however, Ben Zobrist added some very good defense in 2006 baseball betting season.

There are a few decent players on this roster though. Carl Crawford is a speedy outfielder and leadoff man who will most likely become trade bait. And Delmon Young should have a break out year this baseball betting season after hitting .317 with 3 homers and 10 RBIs in very brief call up last baseball betting season. In the pitching staff there is absolutely nothing except ace Scott Kazmir. He was an all-star last baseball betting season and was very impressive when he pitched in 2006 baseball betting season. Expect him to be shipped off during the baseball betting season as well. Aside from Crawford he is the only thing of any value that the D-Rays own. And with cheap and/or incompetent ownership the only way to get better is to trade a proven commodity for prospects that may one day make your MLB betting franchise better.

2006 was an appalling baseball betting season fro the D-Ray fans. It’s hard to believe that the MLB betting team is really that bad, but it is. Kazmir is a legitimate star, but with no run support and no bull pen to hold a lead, he basically had to pitch complete MLB betting games if he any chance of getting a win. Last MLB betting season was very sad and there is absolutely no reason to believe that 2007 will be any happier.