Online Baseball Betting on Kansas City Royals 2006 Summary

May 28th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

The Kansas City Royals haven’t been good in decades and 2006 online baseball betting season was no different. The only good thing about last online baseball betting season’s rotten performance, is that they didn’t finish with the worst MLB betting record in baseball; that ignominious honor was well earned by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays who edged out the Royals, presumably on the last day of the online baseball betting season for the worst record in all of the MLB betting

Hopefully the Royals can show some of that fortitude this online baseball betting season and try and keep the loss total under a hundred.In 2006 online baseball betting season the shameful Royals hung up 100 losses, exactly, compared to only 62 wins. Their winning percentage of only a paltry .383 was the worst in the division and the second worst in the MLB. It’s really no surprise then that the MLB betting team finished a very impressive 34 games back from the division winner, Minnesota. It didn’t seem to matter where the Royals played last online baseball betting year, they were awful. Their home record of 34-47 was awful and their road record of 28-53 was even worse. So, there’s definitely room for improvement and they enter the 2007 online baseball betting season on a three game winning streak the club strung together at the end of 2006 online baseball betting season.

To be quite frank there really isn’t even really any bright spot spots on the roster held over from last online baseball betting year. Ownership seems too cheap to bring in any talented free agents but too scared to trade away any talent (if there is any here for cheap young prospects). The truth is that the players are all too old or too young or just don’t have the talent. Take for example the numbers of the Royals’ starting shortstop Angle Berroa. His anemic .234 batting average in MLB betting is barely above the Mendoza line and has to be one of the worst in online baseball betting for an every day starter. Add to that his rotten total of 9 homeruns and 54 RBIs and you would be, like most Kansas City Royals fans, scratching your head and wondering what the hell this guy is doing starting.

The mind-boggling stats don’t end there. Take for example the stellar play at first base by Ryan Shealy. Granted Shealy was picked up part way through the online baseball betting season from the Colorado Rockies but a batting average of .277, while not bad is not that great. His seven home runs and 37 RBIs are nothing to write home about either, but remember these are only numbers for a partial online baseball betting season and so perhaps there is reason to be optimistic at the first base position in 2007 online baseball betting season. The biggest name player on this ball club is Reggie Sanders and in his prime he as certainly a decent player but he is getting on in age now and he has lost a step. And for a guy that built his MLB betting game around speed that can be crucial in his production. However, he has adapted his game, and while he won’t dazzle you, he is as close to a super star as this team has.

Perhaps the lone bright spot for this club and Kansas City Royals fans heading into the 2007 online baseball betting season is the hope that the Royals number one prospect Alex Gordon, a sharp looking third baseman out of Nebraska might get his change to shine this online baseball betting year. It seems like a very logical move since the team has nothing to lose except for another 100 games. He is still young and played only AA ball last online baseball betting year, but it would mean a lot to the MLB betting fans and it would send a signal that the team really is trying to get better.

Online baseball betting experts know that the pitching staff on this club is probably its weakest link and so it’s no surprise that this team finished last in the MLB betting division. In the starting rotation there is not much to smile about. The team signed Gil Meche (who?) for an ungodly amount of money this year and most online baseball betting experts believe he’ll be a colossal bust. The young pitching combo of Luke Hudson and Brian Bannister has promise but they’re way too green. And the bullpen, well there’s nothing even worth talking about here. If you’re a KC fan, anything with less than a hundred losses should be considered a minor triumph in online baseball betting.