Online Baseball Betting on the Cincinnati Reds 2006 summary

May 29th, 2024 Betting on MLB Baseball

Online Baseball Betting on the Cincinnati Reds 2006 summary. This is an MLB betting team that should have been in the playoffs on paper, but on the field this group could just not get it done. It is strange how that often happens but it’s not fun for MLB betting fans and only brews animosity and disappointment in the locker room. However, entering the 2006 MLB betting season there was very little expectation placed on this MLB betting team as no one knew for sure what kind of talent this team really had.

But now that everyone has gotten a taste of what this baseball betting team is capable of, you can be sure that there will be plenty of expectations on the online baseball betting lines. And if the Cincinnati Reds’ individual players continue to put up these kinds of MLB betting numbers there will a lot more serious questions that simply “What happened?” if they continue to miss the MLB betting playoffs.

In 2006 MLB betting season the Cincinnati Reds were a pleasant surprise in online baseball betting as they had some break out seasons put on display by several players, but at the same time the team failed to do much in terms of wins. And the biggest disappointment is the fact that this MLB betting team got off to such a blazing start only to sputter when it counted the most. The team’s overall MLB betting record of 80-82 was a big disappointment considering they were leading the NL Central for long in the early going but fell apart in the second half of the MLB betting season. And when you have such talented pitching staff and a few big name sluggers, there’s really no excuse for that. But the MLB betting season wasn’t a total disaster the Reds managed to finish within 3.5 games of the division winners, the St Louis Cards, and nearly made the playoffs. Their .494 winning percentage was just under .500 and was improvement for the once woeful Cincinnati Reds. This team also played decent on the road posting a 38-43 MLB betting away record and going 42-39 at home.

And for as many negatives as this MLB betting team had, if would seem that the positives were just as plentiful. The starting pitching on this team was phenomenal in 2006 MLB betting season. Bronson Arroyo had the best MLB betting year of his career in his first in the NL. He was one of the most efficient pitchers in the online baseball betting game with his slow ball and control and major bright spot for this team. The team’s ace, Aaron Harnag was also like dynamite. By some measures he was also the most efficient pitcher in the majors. He is strong armed hurler who racked up strikeouts in 2006 MLB betting season and ate up a lot of innings. He also kept his ERA down and helped this team win quite a few online baseball betting games. However, if you want to blame the 82 losses on anyone, you might look no farther than the rest of the rotation. While the Reds top two pitchers were excellent, the rest of the rotation was awful. Two arms might be fine for a seven game series but in a 162-game MLB betting season, it likely cost the Reds a playoff birth.

At the plate the team did pretty well. Slugger Adam Dunn is one of the best hitters in the online baseball betting game and mountain of a man. It must be frightening as hell for opposing pitchers to face this giant. This guy is a 40+ homer machine and he again put up big numbers in 2006 MLB betting season. Many people complain that he left fielder strikes out too much, which is true, but he’s also got good eye at the plate and gets on a lot via walks. And he doesn’t see a lot of great pitches, so he gets on a lot. Center fielder and legend before his own time, Ken Griffey Jr. has battled injury every year he’s been in Cincy. However, last year was the first relatively healthy year he’s had and he put up pretty decent numbers. It’s a shame to see such talented squandered by injuries, but that’s the nature of the online baseball betting game.

Edwin Encarnacion sung a pretty good bat for this club until he went down with injuries. This third baseman is great looking young player and was on pace for about a 25 homer season before the injury.