British Open Betting Odds for Matteo Manassero

November 30th, 2010 Golf Betting

The British Open betting odds feature a wide variety of elite golfers, ranging from Tiger Woods at the top all the way to British Open betting odds for golfers that casual fans never would have heard of before.

Nevertheless, sometimes such relatively unknown golfers end up defying the British Open odds and actually winning the tournament. The 2009 British Open betting odds feature one relatively unknown golfer, Matteo Manassero, who is sure to be far more recognizable after the tournament, regardless of how well he plays.

The British Open betting odds list dozens of golfers, yet at only 16 years old, Manassero is guaranteed to be the youngest. In fact, the precocious Italian is the second-youngest player ever to compete in the British Open, and the only player to compete in the tournament at an even younger age played in 1865. Therefore, as bettors analyze the 2009 British Open odds, Manassero undoubtedly will be the youngest player they have ever seen listed in the British Open odds.

Also, Manassero plays the game aggressively, which should make for some entertaining viewing for those wagering on the British Open odds.  Most bettors agree that Manassero has virtually no chance of winning the tournament, and, consequently, deserves little consideration for the British Open betting odds for the overall tournament winner. It is true that relatively unknown golfers sometimes win Major Championships, but most bettors assessing the British Open betting odds agree that a 16-year old simply does not have the experience or maturity to win such a title.

Nevertheless, in the British Open betting odds for individual matchups Manassero may actually provide surprisingly decent value. In last year’s Amateur Championships he played at the Ailsa Course, where the 2009 British Open is being held.  Bettors of the British Open betting odds know that such familiarity can be very helpful by both helping a golfer to strategize and giving a golfer confidence.

Moreover, handicappers analyzing the British Open betting odds should remember that Manassero is playing with very little to lose, which will help him deal with the pressure of being so young in a Major Championship. Also, it is likely that Manassero will improve throughout the tournament as he overcomes the nerves associated with the tournament and begins to feel more comfortable playing his game.

Therefore, even though Manassero’s overall British Open betting odds will provide little value, this is one player who viewers should not miss. There is little doubt that in future years Manassero will again be listed in the British Open betting odds, and at that time he will probably offer much greater value for the overall tournament British Open betting odds than he offers in 2009.