Upcoming Soccer Odds season at SBG Global

Soccer odds makers are in nearly unanimous agreement that the best player on the planet right now is named Ronaldo.

No, not the striker from Brazil that has dominated the soccer betting odds in the past and recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons in his home country. The player the soccer odds makers are fawning over is a much younger, quicker, winger from Portugal who just helped Man U win the Champions league soccer odds title.

Soccer odds fans have been watching Cristiano Ronaldo develop over the past four seasons with Man U in the Premiership soccer odds. Over that time his development has been extremely impressive and he is now the consensus best player in all the soccer betting odds. He’s already picked up all the top player awards in the UK and will likely win the same for Europe and the planet later on this year -especially if he can help his Portuguese national side go deep in the soccer odds at the Euro Cup.

The Euro Cup soccer odds will likely be a welcome distraction for the young man as he’s been embroiled in transfer rumors of late. But he’s done nothing to help himself this regard as practically ignited all this talk among soccer betting odds himself. He is though to be seriously pondering a transfer to Real Madrid which would profoundly shake up the soccer odds for the coming year. With no other players of his caliber available, it would be tough for Man U to replace him, according to most soccer odds makers. But Ronaldo would be sure to fetch a record transfer fee, so says most soccer betting odds experts, and they’d be able to buy several players if they wanted.

Another possibility would be for the Red Devils to pursue Ronaldinho, but most soccer odds fans do not like the combo of the footloose Brazilian center and the no-nonsense Fergie. Ronaldinho’s play is also not what it used to be and soccer odds experts don’t see much hope in that scenario. In fact, the only thing certain if Ronaldo does transfer to a new soccer odds side, Man U’s chances in the soccer odds in the coming year will likely take a big hit if they can’t replace his scoring.