Soccer Betting Popularity at SBG Global

Soccer betting is definitely much more popular around the world than it is in the United States. Soccer is truly an international sport and is loved by bettors across Europe and around the world.

Soccer betting around the world is so much more intense than many in the United States would believe. People around the world refer to it as football. Soccer has a worldwide appeal and the people that get involved in soccer betting love their game just as much as people in the United States love the NFL. Let’s take a look at the basics for making a soccer bet and some of the things you want to look for when you handicap a soccer match.

When we get involved in soccer betting we need to know what types of lines are available and the basic rules regarding our soccer bet. During the regular season wagers are based on the matches going 90 minutes or regulation time. When the playoffs start, games can be based on regulation time or include extra time. Most sportsbooks use regulation time for totals wagering and use the entire game for a side wagering soccer bet. Moneylines are the most common in soccer and oftentimes involve three-way betting. Here is an example.

Arsenal -150
Portsmouth +345

Draw +250
Total 2.5

Betting this game would involve three options. If you liked Arsenal you would wager 150 for every 100 dollars you wanted to win. If you liked Portsmouth you would get 345 back for every 100 wagered. If you liked the game to end in a tie you would get 250 for every 100 dollars you wagered. With three-way soccer betting, if the game ends in a tie, the bets made on Arsenal and Portsmouth would be losers. The Total is the amount of goals scored in the game and can be bet over or under for the traditional 110 for 100 in soccer betting. The straight soccer betting moneyline is sometimes offered during the regular season but is more common in the playoffs. That soccer betting line does not involve the draw and would be something like Arsenal -250 and Portsmouth +200.

Soccer betting is just as advanced as betting on any other sport and there are many ways to go about handicapping the sport. Consider making a soccer bet today and enjoy great soccer betting action.