Soccer Betting Action About To Be Underway

Soccer betting has been on the shelf for the past few months but it’s about to get underway in a very earnest way.

Soccer betting in June through August, except in the US, is the offseason for most soccer leagues and compelling online soccer betting odds can be very hard to come across in the dog days of summer. But with all the major leagues in Europe and the Champions league about to get underway the soccer betting world has something to cheer about.

Soccer betting generally comes to an end at the end of May or the beginning of June. All the top leagues in Europe play through the winter months and take off the summer months. The Europeans, with their proclivity for month long vacations in the July and August (we should all be so lucky) dictate the soccer calendar. And when these leagues are shut down the online soccer betting is basically shut down. Interestingly enough, South American leagues are in full swing right now, but the soccer betting world has yet to take notice of southern hemisphere soccer.

Nonetheless the European soccer betting giants like AC Milan, Chelsea, Inter Milan, Liverpool and the like are all in the midst of preseason tours drumming dollars and tapping new markets and that can only mean one thing: soccer betting is just around the corner. After a few month hiatus the soccer betting fans can rest easy as the main attraction is about to start up again. These preseason tours in foreign countries serve a very important for these top clubs and soccer betting fans alike. Aside from raising buckets of cash they also give fans a chance to see newly acquired players and catch a glimpse of how they fit in with the new teams.

The Champions League qualifying is also about to get underway and all the teams trying to grab the last few spots remaining in the biggest online soccer betting tournament at the club level will try and play their way in August and early September.

The English, Spanish, Italian, German and almost every other soccer betting league in Europe will get underway about the same and soccer betting fans can look forward to nine months of uninterrupted soccer betting action. And the 2009-2010 bet online soccer betting should be even more exciting than usual as the World Cup finals in South Africa will follow directly on the heels of the European soccer betting season.