MLS beat the Soccer Odds at SBG Global

The MLS lags far behind its rival sporting leagues in terms of popularity and soccer odds have nowhere near the popularity of NFL betting odds.

Some people might look at that scenario and claim that the glass is half empty in terms of soccer betting odds in the US, but a more trained eye would point to the growth of the soccer odds industry over the past decade and come up with quite a different conclusion.

While at present, soccer odds, and MLS odds in particular, are not much of a threat to the well established sporting leagues in the US present trends would seem to indicate that in the not too distant future soccer betting odds could be at the top of American sports fans’ lists.

Anyone over the age of forty is perhaps a lost cause for the people promoting soccer odds, but anyone under the age of 15 right now is very likely to become a fan of soccer odds and in particular MLS soccer betting odds. The MLS, just the latest incarnation of professional soccer in the US has surprisingly beaten the soccer odds and now 11 years on is stronger than ever. Whether or not the MLS will continue to grow and create a greater interest in the soccer odds universe is unknown but it there are several factors that seem to make it highly plausible that soccer betting odds will be around for some time.

The biggest factor in facilitating MLS long term soccer odds success is the above mentioned youth movement. Young people are now playing soccer much more often than in the past and this familiarity at a young age often transforms into interest in soccer odds at an older age and creates life-long fans.

Another factor that has helped the MLS soccer odds is the fact that the quality of play has steadily improved nearly every year. In the past professional soccer odds leagues had to import talent in order to drum up interest in their respective league’s soccer odds. Granted the MLS still does this, but now, some of its biggest talent is home grown, a development which provides plenty of hope for the future of MLS soccer odds.