Mexico World Cup Odds

World Cup odds list Mexico as 70-1 longshots to win the 2010 World Cup.

Mexico is in Group A along with France, Uruguay and South Africa.  It should be a competitive group and Mexico has a shot to win it in World Cup betting.

World Cup odds favor France at -135 to win Group A while Mexico is the second choice at 3.5 to 1. Mexico is not without a chance in this group as France is really not a strong squad.  Mexico has some talented players including forward Cuauhtemoc Blanco. They also have some younger players who have talent including Giovani dos Santos, Efrain Juarez and Carlos Vela.  Mexico has made the knockout round in each of the last four World Cups but then they got eliminated.  The best Mexico has even done is make the quarterfinals and that occurred in 1986. Mexico has a chance to make the quarterfinals this year but only if they get everyone to come together.

If Mexico is to win this group in World Cup odds and have a chance to advance past the knockout round they are going to need someone to score. The most likely scorers are Blanco, Franco and Vela. It is probably going to be up to Vela since Blanco’s best days are behind him.

The good news for Mexico in World Cup betting is that Group A is really not a strong group.  France has seen better days and Uruguay and South Africa are not considered serious contenders to win it all.  Mexico does have a tough opening match as they play South Africa in the first overall match of the 2010 World Cup.  That could be the match that decided whether or not Mexico can win the group. If they can handle South Africa they will have a realistic chance to win Group A in World Cup odds.  And winning the group would be critical since it would give them a much more favorable matchup in the round of 16.

Mexico has some talent and they should be able to navigate through the Group A matches.  Unless they get superb efforts from Vela and Blanco and someone to step up in goal, it is unlikely they will go past the round of 16 although making it to the quarterfinals is not out of the question.