International Soccer Gambling

The US has long been recognized for its sporting prowess in many fields, but soccer gambling has not been one of them.

All but a dead sport for decades in the US, soccer is imply something that the US has never been all that good at and as a result has contributed few players to the soccer gambling. But as anyone that has recently participated in online soccer gambling can tell you, that is slowly starting to change.

There are now more US players active for teams involved in international soccer gambling than at any time in the sports history. Exactly why this is isn’t the result of one single event but rather the culmination various soccer gambling developments. One reason, as online soccer gambling pundits often point out, more and more kids are getting involved in soccer at a young age and sticking with it throughout their teens. Also more and more money has been devoted to soccer and also, the rise of MLS soccer gambling has also given kids something to shoot for in the US.

The result of this is has been an increasing export of US bred players crossing the Atlantic to play in Europe. Just last year alone three top US players, all budding stars crossed the pond with huge futures in international soccer gambling likely. Young phenom Freddie Adu now plays for Benfica in Portugal and looks to have a bright soccer gambling future with the club. Eddie Johnson has been shipped off the Fulham in EPL and joins six other US comrades in what the soccer gambling world has dubbed “Fulhamerica” – something that never could have happened before the age of online soccer gambling.

But perhaps the US export with the biggest soccer gambling upside, according to many online soccer gambling analysts is striker Jozy Atlidore who will suit up next year for Villareal. Many expect him to become the first US soccer gambling star in Europe. He has dazzled crowds with Adu and Johnson in fewer than 21 international soccer gambling competitions and there is every reason to believe he could have a huge season in the year ahead in the Primera Liga.