Betting Odds on Soccer Preview

One team is expected to be in this position every Euro Cup betting odds on soccer competition, one team is not.

When Spain matches up against Russia in the betting odds on soccer competition at the Euro Cup it will be a classic example of David vs. Goliath in the soccer odds. However, the result of this match is hardly assured given Spain’s horrendous record at the Euro Cup betting odds on soccer competition and the fantastic play of the Russian side of late.

Russia is the classic David in this soccer odds scenario as no betting odds on soccer analyst gave this side a shot at reaching this far in the Euro Cup betting odds on soccer tournament. In fact, some soccer odds enthusiasts have questioned whether the Russians even belong in the betting odds on soccer tournament. But they’re here and there is little doubt remaining that they not only deserve to be here, but that they also have a legitimate shot at winning the thing.

Spain on the other hand is on every short-list to win every Euro Cup betting odds on soccer before it even begins. However, every Euro Cup betting odds tournament has ended sourly for this team over the past five decades and you would be hard pressed to find a bigger choke artist in international soccer odds than Spain. But this year seems different, and the young and talented side has proven its toughness by defeating world champion Italy in shoot out that most every other Spanish side in past betting odds on soccer competition would have lost.

And so as Spain enters as the much better team on paper in this betting on soccer match up, Russia enters as the team with the momentum and perhaps the sentimental favorite. Russia has played the underdog role well so far in this Euro Cup betting odds on soccer competition and will look to keep the dream alive.

But this is Spain’s year -finally. Look for the Spanish to jump out to a lead and never let go in what should be a wide open and entertaining betting odds on soccer match up.