Betting Euro Odds vs. Latin America soccer

When it comes to betting on top quality soccer there is no tournament that can rival the Euro Cup betting and hardly a single fan betting Euro odds will argue with this.

Betting euro odds fans have plenty to be thankful for. But the one matter up for contention by nearly every betting Euro odds fan is whether or not the Euro Cup betting champ can stand up against the Latin American champion.

Betting Euro odds makers have been debating this subject for decades and the answer they’ve arrived upon will of course vary from one Euro Cup betting aficionado to the next. For the most part the consensus among betting Euro odds enthusiasts is that it depends on the year and it depends on respective teams that are representing the betting Euro odds and the Latin American odds.

The current betting Euro odds champ, Greece, certainly wouldn’t be favored in a match up with Brazil or Argentina, but if for example the team like Italy or Germany were to win the Euro Cup betting this year, well that would certainly make for a very interesting match up between the Latin American champ and the betting Euro odds champ.

Of course this argument is hypothetically settled every four years when the World Cup rolls around and the best of the betting Euro odds teams are paired up against not only the to Latin clubs but also the best teams in the world period. And because the World Cup is dominated by the same teams that play in the Euro Cup betting and the South American giants, this is the de facto battlefield to answer the question of whether betting Euro odds teams or the Latin teams are better.

For the most part it’s a draw. Many betting Euro teams that win the Euro Cup betting also go onto win the World Cup, or vice versa, the most recent being France in 1998 and 2000. But as things stand right now in betting Euro odds, there is no way that defending champ Greece can stack up with Argentina or Brazil. But after this summer’s betting Euro odds competition, there could be a new champ that can go toe to toe with the South American giants.