Slow time for Boxing Betting

November 30th, 2010 Boxing Betting

Boxing betting fans are suffering bunch. Anyone that has been around sports betting boxing for any amount of time has seen a once proud sport deteriorate.

Boxing has deteriorated under a lack of interest, diminished quality of athletes and competition from other combat sports. But for true fans of boxing betting there is always something to take an interest in no matter how solemn the boxing betting prospects might look.

Boxing betting was for many years the most popular sport in the world. In fact, one-hundred years ago there was no contest as to which sport was the most popular on the planet. At that time champion boxers were the most known-well people on earth and boxing betting was drawing in top dollar. A typical sports betting boxing event could draw well over 100,000 people and the boxing betting world champions were not only popular, but also among the richest persons on earth as well.

Times have certainly changed since then and the popularity of boxing betting has slipped considerably. Many long time sports betting boxing aficionados lament the fact that the sport has fallen so swiftly. Many blame this on a lack of quality fighters in the world of boxing betting and that may be. But the biggest difference in the current sports landscape is that there is simply so much competition for boxing betting that it was bound to loose it claim as the most popular sport on earth.

At present other pro sports leagues such as the NFL and NBA, which didn’t even exist at the turn of the century, have over taken sports betting boxing as the top drawing events in the sporting world. And because these sports are popular, they naturally draw away top athletic talent from the boxing betting arena, which in another era would likely have turned out to be great boxers.

But perhaps more disturbing for boxing betting purists, is the fact that new rival fighting leagues have popped up in the past decade and these sporting events more than any other pose the greatest threat to boxing betting. In fact, it’s very easy to think that within a decade mixed-martial arts fighting leagues could drive boxing betting into its grave.